Who are the Eggsperts

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Dear Eggsperts—I am at the stage in life where a lot of my friends are getting married and starting families. But, some of my friends have had trouble becoming pregnant. This now has me wondering about my own fertility.  I’ve been researching online and reading blogs. But, quite frankly, I’m overwhelmed with all information. Who are you and how are you different than everyone else? –Lost in Louisiana

Image by Andrew Neel Fkalry on Unsplash

Dear Lost—First off, we are real people.  (We felt it prudent to mention that.) We are a team of 2: an experienced Infertility doctor and an IVF Nurse who also happens to be a former fertility patient.  We’ve seen the struggles and confusion that many infertility patients have and want to provide an inclusive site to answer questions and help guide patients through their path to parenthood. As a doctor and a nurse, who have worked in different practices, we have different perspectives and have had different experiences with patients. Bringing our experiences together, we can provide comprehensive guidance.

Be that as it may, let us be clear. We are NOT a substitute for the care your doctor has designed for you. We will always defer to your doctor for management of your unique situation. But we absolutely can offer GENERAL input to help you with questions and concerns and issues you may have along the way.

“M” is a Reproductive Endocrinologist with over 20 years treating patients with infertility. She trained on the West Coast and currently practices on the East Coast. She specializes in all aspects of infertility; treating patients with conservative approaches to those who need in vitro fertilization and genetic testing. She also has an active surgical practice for fertility patients.

“N” is an IVF Nurse and former patient.  She’s trained under some of the most respected practitioners of our time.  Her clinical expertise and passions lie in helping patients with complex infertility histories and 3rd party patients (those patients needing donor egg, donor sperm or gestational surrogates to complete their families.) As a licensed registered nurse (RN), she currently works as an educator within the fertility industry. 

So, Lost, circling back to your original question, Yes! We are real people, with real and professional fertility experience ready to answer your questions while offering a bit of education and support along the way. 

We welcome questions from our followers and invite you to follow us on social media. Please feel free to email us at: questions@askaneggspert.com

We hope we meet your Eggspectations–An Eggspert

To stay up to date with our content, please bookmark our page www.askaneggspert.com and follow-us on social media. We welcome questions and will answer them in our posts as soon as possible. Please email us at questions@askaneggspert.com

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Disclaimer: All of the comments on this page are for basic information only. They are based on the opinions and expertise of the authors and are not meant to provide a substitute for medical care or specific treatment recommendations. Each person is unique and requires individualized diagnosis and treatment plans. Any specific questions should be directed to your personal healthcare provider.