Should I Be Worried About My Fertility

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Dear Eggsperts—I am very successful in my career and I feel ready to have a baby. Some of my friends have had a hard time getting pregnant and have gone to the doctor for help. When do I know if I need help and when should I go to the doctor? –Worried in Wisconsin

Image by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Dear Worried—First, take a breath. Not everyone needs to see a doctor to get pregnant. In general, only 1 in 6 couples have challenges getting pregnant. Depending on your age, 15-20% of couples will get pregnant in one month of trying. In general, if you are under 35 years old, if you have not gotten pregnant after one year of trying, you should consider seeing a doctor. Some people should see a doctor sooner.

  1. Because fertility decreases as women get older, if you are over age 35 and have not gotten pregnant after 6 months of trying, you should consider seeing a doctor. If you are over age 40, you may consider seeing a doctor even sooner.
  2. If you don’t have regular periods, you may not be ovulating (releasing eggs), and you should think about seeing the doctor right away.
  3. If you think there is a chance that your fallopian tubes don’t work normally or may be blocked, you may want to see a doctor early.  Some reasons that you might be concerned about your fallopian tubes include:
    • If you have had surgery on your uterus, tubes, or ovaries
    • If you have been told you have endometriosis
    • If you have had an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy
    • If you have had infections such as Chlamydia or Gonorrhea
  4. If you are single or are in a relationship with a woman, you need sperm to get pregnant and may want to talk to a doctor about using donor sperm when you are ready to conceive.

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Disclaimer: All of the comments on this page are for basic information only. They are based on the opinions and expertise of the authors and are not meant to provide a substitute for medical care or specific treatment recommendations. Each person is unique and requires individualized diagnosis and treatment plans. Any specific questions should be directed to your personal healthcare provider.